A Time to Watch, Wait and Anticipate

A Time to Watch, Wait and Anticipate
Grace, mercy and peace to you in the name of Jesus. Amen

Whether we realize it or not, we are living in unusual times or in an “in between” time – already, not yet time. According to the gospel writer Matthew, during these times, Jesus encouraged his first followers and us today to: "Keep awake, therefore, for you do not know what day your Lord is coming!" [24:42]
In this season, we are being called us to do two things: to watch and to wait. Keep Watch as the Christmastide rolls in – as it comes upon us, sometimes like a freight train -- may we “watch” for the Lord in all that comes our way. We might be surprise where and when we would find Christ this time of year.

Watching for the Lord means that we keep our spirits open to the possibility of the arrival of the Lord at any time, in any person, in every experience – especially, when it is so easy to get lost in the shuffle and busyness of the season.
Secondly, Wait…we are being called to wait! We need to wait patiently for the voice of God in the daily grind. Especially when the grind can grow and multiply as the days of this season go by. There is much waiting to do as these weeks go by -- isn't there? Waiting for family to arrive…Waiting in the checkout lines… Waiting for the credit card bill to arrive…And waiting for it all to be over!
So, as we wait for the appearance of the Lord. We wait for Christ to appear or to arrive in all the ordinary, everyday happenings of our lives and even see Christ in the hungry, the homeless and helpless.
I pray that this time of year would be a time of anticipating, watching and waiting for the arrival of Christ… It might very well be that Christ will arrive for us in some new ways this season – now, wouldn’t that be something to tell about – over the hills and everywhere?
The Rev. Romeo K. Dabee
JFK Airport Community Minister



