Lift Up Your Voice

Lift Up Your Voice

Greetings favored ones,

I greet you in the name of Jesus, the anointed one of God almighty: our creator, redeemer and sustainer – Amen

James Weldon Johnson wrote:
God of our weary years, God of our silent tears
Thou who has brought us thus far, on the way
Thou who has by Thy might,
Led us into the light
Keep us forever in the path, we pray…

These words form part of the Spiritual “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” This hymn, according to Pastor Angela !Khabeb, “presents the harsh reality of marginalized people, weathered generations, tired souls and crying hearts. These are a people who are mindful of the pain and tears of the past, yet stand on the strength and faith that are born in adversity. The words remind me of the interconnectedness that our lives have with all of humanity.” Living Lutheran (January/February 2022)

Although it might seem that COVID-19 has polarized us as a people, I cannot help but see the common pain, the suffering and heart-ache experience – for we are in this global pandemic together. Yes, we are living in some weary COVID years and it has caused us many silent tears.

Consider the ripple effects of when someone we work alongside is tested positive… fallen sick, hospitalized or worse, die. Think about disruption and utter devastation we have all experiences as a result of this virus and its variants because everyone of us is interconnected and therefore affected.

Now, as a direct result of the stress and strain – the emotional trauma that this pandemic is having on our relationships at home and at work or school; we are all impacted in some way. Nevertheless, we press on to the goal of fulfilling the mandate of sharing the good news of Jesus in word and deed in the new year ahead.

Let us pray:
God of our weary COVID years,
God of our silent tears
You have brought us this far, on the way
So, by your power and might
Having led us into the light
With PPEs and Vaccines
Keep us forever in the path that shines,
Keep our feet from slipping and hearts from shame.
This we pray, in Jesus’ name…Amen

The Rev. Romeo K. Dabee
JFK Airport Community Minister



