A Pandemic Prayer

Early last year, we received word was received about the Coronavirus being the source of death to many among us – in and around New York City. Our world became very different from what we were accustomed to as this global pandemic interrupted many operations – every industry was affected and the economic, social, political and religious impact has pushed us outside our comfort zones.

Words like “lockdown” and “mandates” became popular and phrases like “Be Wise and Sanitize” and “Do your part – stay 6 feet apart” altered our routines drastically. Someone commented that COVID years are worth ten in “regular” times, but it seems that we have been cooped up for a loooooong time, and the adverse effects of such time are amped up and on full display.

Today, tensions rise quickly to a boiling point when masks and vaccine mandates are being debated, tempers flare up and everyone is on edge – doing their best not to trigger an argument or confrontation. Travel by air, sea or land has become nightmarish for hundreds of thousands and the end is nowhere in sight.

However, there is a deep desire for things to return to some normalcy, but the jury is still out on what is “normal” – it is complex.  For many, the Coronavirus global pandemic has been devastating given the loss of employment, businesses, relationships and most of all, the loss of loved ones. For the others, this period of isolation or fast from social in-person engagement ought to be a time for grateful reflection to God’s preserving us – keeping us among the living.

It is my prayer that we use this time to pause, slow down and calm down and let our gaze be fixed on God who may appear to be idle but is offering us a time to be still and know that God is near.  Amen
The Rev. Romeo Dabee
JFK Airport Community Minister/Chaplain



