Easter Morning: Christ is Risen - He is Risen indeed

It’s Easter…but we are in a time or season that feels like Jesus still bidding us come into the wilderness with him, pick up our cross and follow and of course engage in some spiritual housecleaning – the springtime of our lives…because Jesus lives, we can live as well.

It is my prayer that you would discovering or rediscovering the Marks of Discipleship: Daily Prayer, Weekly Worship, Scripture Reading, Service to others, Spiritual Relationships and Giving – acts of charity.

According to Pastor Michael Foss (author of “Power Surge: Six Marks of Discipleship for a Changing Church”), “the marks of discipleship... all lead to participation in God’s love for the world and service that leads to greater well-being for all, particularly for those in greatest need or at greatest risk.”

So, if it is your desire this Easter is to “know Christ and the power of his resurrection,” get involved in service to God and to humanity and let us together journey with Jesus and celebrate after experiencing the empty tomb for “He has been raised; he is not here.” Alleluia! Amen
The Rev. Romeo Dabee
JFK Airport Community Minister/Chaplain



